Qualifications: B.Sc., M.Sc. (Missouri-Rolla), Ph.D. (USM)
Expertise: Porous-dense membrane technology, Fluids enrichment, purification and utilization, Adsorption & catalysis, Nano-material synthesis, Characterization & process simulation, Renewable energy & sustainability, Petroleum-gas production, recovery & processing
- Hanseul Choi, Joonwoo Kim, Suk-Jin Choung, Jinsoo Kim, Mohd Roslee Othman. Complete removal of carbon monoxide by functional nanoparticles for hydrogen fuel cell application. Chemical Engineering Science. 172 (2017) 688–693
- H Choi, SP Yoon, J Han, J Kim, MR Othman. Continuous synthesis of molybdenum oxide microspheres by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 47 (2017) 254–259
- Hoang Vu Ly, Emmanuel Galiwango, Seung-Soo Kim, Jinsoo Kim, Jae Hyung Choi, Hee Chul Woo, Mohd Roslee Othman. Hydrodeoxygenation of 2-furyl methyl ketone as a model compound of algal Saccharina Japonica bio-oil using iron phosphide catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal 317 (2017) 302–308
- Seung-Soo Kim, Young Kwan Lim, Jae Hyung Choi, Jinsoo Kim, Mohd Roslee Othman. Bio-ETBE determination from low level liquid scintillation counter. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 49 (2017) 26–29
- AD Wiheeb, TE Mohammed, ZA Abdel-Rahman, MR Othman. Flow dynamics of gases inside hydrotalcite-silica micropores. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 246 (2017) 37-42
- Enrichment of gas and reaction studies through porous media
- Purity and recovery of industrial gases and bio-gas methane by pressure swing adsorption and membranes
- Surface mobility and transport of carbon dioxide and methane on micro pores
- Development and analysis of micro-porous membranes and metal reinforced porous media for acid gas capture from different gas mixtures (completed)
- In-situ carbon dioxide capture from hot flue gases (completed)
- Biodiesel production from second generation bio-fuel feed-stocks using heterogeneous base catalyst (completed)
- Carbon dioxide capture from high carbon dioxide stranded natural gas using pressure swing adsorption with equalization mode
- Development of porous catalyst support from clay minerals for oil and gas industrial application